The International School for Materials for Energy and Sustainability VIII is an international school on the themes of energy and sustainability organized by Caltech, Stanford, Colorado School of Mines, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the European Materials Research Society, and the Materials Research Society. ISMES is a prestigious international event that has attracted outstanding instructors and students from around the world. This year, we are excited as ISMES comes for the second time to California, a world leader in renewable energy.
Building on successful schools held in previous years in Erice, Italy (ISMES VII and ISMES V), at Caltech (ISMES VI) and Golden, CO (ISMES IV), ISMES VIII features a week packed with lectures by world experts in materials and energy systems, as well as collaborative exercises and projects that will put these ideas into practice. Topics will broadly include global warming, conventional and sustainable technologies, solar energy conversion (PV and thermal), solar chemical conversion, fuel cells, storage, distribution, wind, geothermal, nuclear, and CO2 recycling.
ISMES VIII is a great opportunity for students and postdoctoral fellows from around the world to meet with and learn from their peers and established experts in a friendly atmosphere, reaping benefit in terms of enthusiasm, knowledge and new ideas benefiting the future of mankind.